Monday, April 8, 2013

Game of Thrones Spoiler: Robb Stark Dies Soon

I was flipping through some sites last night because i frustrated with how the story for game of thrones is dragging.  Then i came across a site that detailed every character's future throughout the book series.

Something always seemed like a sad happiness for Robb Stark.  Then i read that he actually dies fairly quick in the novel.  The House of Frey, the family his mother forged a deal with so that they can cross the bridge, sets him up and assassinates Robb and Catelyn at the wedding dinner.

I guess producers took creative license with this storyline because all seemed well until last night when Lord Karstark said "You lost the war, the moment you married her." Jeyne is called Talisa for some reason.

If you watched the show then you saw Robb and Talisa have a sex scene after he learns his home was captured and two younger brothers killed by his best friend Theone, Prince of Iron.  In the book, the writer said Robb took Talisa by force in response to his grief and to protect Talisa's honor, he married her. This setup a domino effect that caused a lot of trouble for the Stark family and pretty much ends all fighting to reclaim anything.  I guess this is why the writers just been beating around the bush with the storyline, but I see they are somewhat getting back to it with that statement last night by Lord Karstark.

Not a spoiler if you read....HA

But wow,reading ahead that writer had a lot of bitterness b/c no one really has a good ending.

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