Hi everyone in the gaming community! It's been a minute, since I was here. Been on my new job and let's say they keep me busy. I can't believe I missed E3 for the first time in 6 years. Sad face. Well, I'll go and see what good games are there and give you news on how close they are to release and what to expect.
Tbh the console received similar updates to what the PC players got in the alpha 16 patch. The alpha 16 patch was real buggy, but the console versions are more consistent and stable. I will list all the information that I
found in the official 7 Days to Die forum:
On 6/27/2017 at 12pm PST / 7pm UTC / 8pm GMT the long awaited update will be going live on the XB1 and PS4 stores!
Below is a copy of the notes which were shared with you already, but included are some preview shots of what you can expect later on today

The team is very excited to release this update and I'm excited to jump in with you guys!
Just a mention of the usual stuff first...
- NOTES only apply to the fix DIRECTLY ABOVE them, unless otherwise stated
- do NOT post bug reports below. They belong in the CONSOLE BUG REPORT section.
- keep posts CIVIL and RESPECTFUL when discussing or giving feedback about the patch.
- please keep the post ON TOPIC. This post is for the discussion of this patch ONLY. (lets try actually stick to this this time ya?)
- I do NOT have further info on A15 or A16 features beyond what is in the notes or updates on MD5, Multiplayer issues and other fixes, when I have those updates they will get their own post.
Now without further ado, the information on Summer Update #1(Patch 10)!
7 Days to Die [Console]
Release Notes
Patch 10.0
PS4 Version 1.14
XB1 Version
Patch 10 begins releasing today! We can’t wait to see what crazy things you all end up creating with the new features we’ve included with this patch. Enjoy and happy surviving!
New Features
For those of you who follow development of the PC version of 7 Days to Die, the features below will probably look pretty familiar! Some of these features will require you start a new game to experience them. We've broken them into 2 sections below. Check them out!
Will Work in Existing Saves
Updated Sky and Weather Effects
Sky and weather effects have been updated to the full, more immersive Alpha 15 versions.
New Lighting
Night Sky
Item Combination and Repair
The workbench UI has been updated to allow players to combine items in order to make items of better quality. Any two items of the same type with a quality score (such as tools, weapons, and armor) can be placed into the workbench and a new item of better quality will be created. The workbench can also be used to repair items using other lower quality items as fuel. Workbenches can now also be disassembled with a wrench.
Lootable Gore Blocks
Zombies and their gore blocks have been updated so that when a zombie corpse decays into a gore block, the gore block can still be looted for the same loot that would have been looted off the zombie corpse. Along with this, zombies will decay into gore blocks a lot sooner than they used to and will often, when enough damage is done, instantly turn into gore blocks upon death.
Will Require New Saves
New Items
Over 50 new items have been added this patch. They will be available from a variety of sources but only to players that start new games in Patch 10. Some of these new Items include:
o New plants and harvestables
o Various new types of scrap
o A whole slew of new clothing items to be found
Navezgane Fashion Trends
Feast your eyes on the latest in post apocalyptic fashion!
Ride off into the (new and improved) sunset in style!
New Block Types
Over 100 new blocks have been added to the game. There are several that help flesh out existing block sets with new pieces (corners and arrow slits), toggleable lights, drawbridges, and a new crafting station. These blocks will only be available to players that start new games in Patch 10. Here's a few examples of those below...(Comments by Clare)
Draw Bridge
For all your moat and "oh no you dont!" river crossing needs!
Jail Door
I've seen a few people ask about his block - wanting to add to their own prison builds!
Lights and Various Blocks
Let those Z's know your open for business! Or simple keep a light on for a weary traveller. There's also the rounded concrete blocks and should the weary traveller pass on, there's always the mortician block!
Stainless Steel Blocks
When the world is falling appart and most things are just a little rough around the edges, it's nice to have such lovely satisfyingly-smooth blocks to build with!
Cat Walks and Tree Houses
Another group of blocks players were eager to see! Stay up off the ground and take out Z's from afar or do a little hunting!
Cat Walk Bridges
Go up and over without placing loads of chunky blocks! I really like these minimalist bridg- hey wait a second.... is that a wooden Giraffe??!? Hmm... it appears to be a stag. Thanks okay then...
Farming Improvements
Farming has been improved in Patch 10. The concept of fertilized land has been added, along with 4 new seed types (Yucca, Mushrooms, Chrysanthemum, and Aloe). These new features will only be available to players that start new games in Patch 10.
New Recipes
Over 60 new recipes have been added to the game. Many of these have been added to complement the new Block Shapes and Farming features being added this patch, but a few exist to allow players to craft items that are already in the game. These new features will only be available to players that start new games in Patch 10.
Chemistry Station
A new crafting station, called the Chemistry Station has been added to the game. This station provides a way to craft many of the recipes you can craft on the campfire, using different, easier recipes and crafts those items in less time than the campfire.
Skills Updates and Balancing
Most of the changes done to the skills have been balancing ones. A lot of the changes were changing the level needed for next level requirements, changing the cost of some skills and the amount of experience needed to level those skills up. Two new skills were added (Chemistry Station and Breaking and Entering) and two were removed (10mm Round Crafting and Leather Tanning). These new features will only be available to players that start new games in Patch 10.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
· Fixed an issue causing the Basic Survival Quest 4/8 to require more wood than it takes to craft the Wooden Club
· Fixed an issue that allowed zombies to clip through doors and hatches while the player was upgrading them
· Fixed an issue that would prevent a player from standing after crouching in a 2x1 tunnel
· Fixed an issue causing throwing items to be thrown further and more quickly than intended
· Fixed an issue that would cause Yucca Plants to provide an additional fruit when shot
· Fixed an issue that allowed the player to get resources from animals before skinning/gutting them
· Fixed an issue that resulted in smelting guns yielding no materials
· Fixed an issue that would allow players to drop cooking tools while interacting with a fire or forge
· Fixed an issue that would make the placement indicator for signs appear green even when overlapping a location in which signs couldn’t be placed
· Fixed an issue that would cause the number of brass units gained from scrapping Duke’s Tokens to vary inconsistently based upon how many tokes the player was scrapping
· Fixed an issue that would cause the player to be unable to harvest the top of a corn plant if they harvested the bottom first
· Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause pipe bombs to land directly at the player’s feet when thrown
· Fixed an issue causing certain blocks to appear invisible from one side when upgraded
· Fixed an issue that caused Cotton Plants to be missing a texture
· Fixed an issue preventing Animal Hide Leg Armor from being displayed on the character model
· Fixed an issue causing the forge and campfire SFX to continue playing between exiting and loading a new save
· Fixed an issue that caused the water bottle icon to show incorrectly in the character tool belt after being filled
· Fixed an issue that caused SFX associated with cancelling an item in the crafting queue to play too loudly
· Fixed an issue that caused SFX associated footsteps to briefly become inaudible after the player would sprain/break a leg
· Fixed an issue that would cause the game to prompt the player to activate split-screen whenever they would exit the audio options
· Fixed an issue the would cause the session to temporarily freeze after cancelling crafting on a large quantity of items
We are thrilled to be releasing Patch 10 today. We couldn’t do what we do without your continued support! Thanks for being such an amazing community.
Follow me on instagram - jetrecords266Follow me on twitchtv - twitch.tv/jetrecordsFollow me on youtube - jetrecords226 or jetrecords266