Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Call of Duty Infinite Review - What is this Crap they Released?

I'm going to exercise my constitutional right of Freedom of Speech and give an appropriate review.  Food for thought...Battlefield 1 put us at the very beginning of large scale warfare in WW1 taking pride in limiting gamers to the weapons of the time period, while Call of Duty Infinite takes us to the future where mechanized soldiers and spacecrafts make the possibilities endless.  I'm wondering if this was planned?

Call of Duty Infinite is a tangled story of blood and ambition filled interplanetary warfare.  Like the Madden series, Call of Duty is soon becoming an annual release with few improvements that most die hard fans are starting to take note.  Well, this time around we are given a new dynamic, space warfare and zero gravity battles. Seems like developers of Call of Duty Infinite were doing some note taking on the No Man's Land game, and they sampled the ability to go from on ground battles to outer space combat.  To be honest aside from a few gadgets, space travel is really the only improvement to me if you been buying each new game of the Call of Duty Black ops games.

Single Player Mode
In the single player mode, the pacing suffers from endless corridors, long loading screens, bullet spongy enemies, and uneven AI. This game has a star studded cast of voice actors.  Racing fans will recognize Formula Racer Lewis Hamilton.  The big draw is Jon Snow from the Game of Thrones as the main villain.  Kit Harrington is a freedom hating Mar's rebel that wants to destroy the Earth.  Developer's aren't paying me for a review so i'll be honest.  The single player story is really weak and hardly will hold your attention to be honest.  Spoiler alert everyone dies on a suicide mission. The real anticipated action is the multi player mode.

Multiplayer Mode
The major reason gamers invest in Call of Duty games is the multi-player mode.  Well here is the thing you might want to know up front developers seem to cut corners on this game. The maps are poorly designed, and the wall running mechanics are glitched and limited.  Sometimes you have limited access to wall climbing and the advantage will go to gamers who have familiarized themselves with the maps.  A positive note  is customization classes are a good addition mixed with all the innovations you play with in the single player mode. With some debugging and patches, Multiplayer mode this time around is estimated to be a challenge for even a veteran Call of Duty player.

Zombie Mode
There is a knock-off version of the zombie game sat in an abandon amusement park that will draw in many gamers.  The amusement park mini-game is a mix of plants vs zombies and Zombieland movie.   It's a fun play through centered around puzzle solving and interesting mini games in the park.  I cannot lie, it will definitely catch your attention, and kept you amused more than the single player mode or multiplayer mode.

Overall, this was a very disappointing Call of Duty game.  I anticipated a lot more from the new system and capabilities.  Seems like I got the same black ops game with new characters and half-way written single player story line.  Developers got a lot of bugs and patches to do before the multiplayer mode is playable to be honest. I would like to revisit this game after it has been fixed, but now I give Call of Duty Infinite a 7.5/10.  It really earned loyalty points b/c that score could be lower.  Developers get on it, and fix the game to the quality standards I have come to expect from the series.

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