Wednesday, August 22, 2012

$40 Games Mandatory on all consoles-Revolution!

I was reading several articles about how the video game industry is doing poorly because of consecutive years of bad games by developers and poor reception by consumers.

In all honesty, games like fable 3, deadspace 2 and mass effect 3 have been all hype and no depth. Developers know when they rush to put out crappy games, but they still expect consumers buy them just because their loyal games.  My opinion, I feel that a midpoint must be met.   No way anyone should be paying $60 for games to begin with because it doesn't cost that much to make the game, so I'm suggesting a mandatory $40 maxium be spent on games.

I want to start a petition to raise awareness, and encourage a push for this mandatory pricing limit.  If developers realize no one is going to pay for their overpriced poorly developed games, then they will #1 make a more quality games or #2 the $40 consumer movement will drop prices to all us gamers.

I don't make money for this blog, so it doesn't benefit me.  I'm just a gamer that post what I like, and have you as my friends that read, so if you would send people my way and help raise attention I'd appreciate it.

Let the $40 Revolution Begins!

1 comment:

Destiny 2 season 18: Release date, Arc 3.0,

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