Monday, January 29, 2018

What Happened to Alf?

Well I enjoyed Alf as a kid, but I vaguely remembered the show as I got older.  The last memory that I have is a military dude telling the Dad when he finds aliens they basically capture them, dissect aliens while still alive, torture for information about other aliens, and put the body parts in separate jars for future research.

Well the fate of Alf on the series finale was being captured by that military dude, and we were left with the idea that Alf indeed was captured and dissected while alive.  The show ended there. Here's what really happened.

Apparently a lot of things happened on the set of Alf.  About 20 years ago, Paul Fusco, Alf's puppeteer,  went on a rant using racial taboos, anti-feminist and full of antisemitism.  TMZ reached out to the show's producer and co-stars to confirm this happened, and it was confirmed by the producer Steve Lamar and John LaMotta (nosy neighbor Trevor Ochmonek).

John LaMotta stated "I thought the show Alf was a piece of shit ... worst work I ever did."

TMZ spoke with Steve Lamar -- associate producer on ALF for three years -- who tells us, "You're talking about 20 years ago when the world was not so ridiculously PC. Anyone that's offended needs to lighten up already."

This outburst by Fusco really made most on the set uncomfortable.  Some never worked with the show again.  This incident was the beginning of the end for Alf.

Later, network executives decided not to renew the show.  Alf's writers and producer's tried to force the networks hand, but writing an episode where the military warned Alf''s human family that they will torture and dissect Alf when he was found.  At the end of the season finale episode, Alf was captured by military and the audience was left to believe Alf was tortured to death and dissected.  Producers hoped the season finale cliff hanger action would cause a reaction by fan support and fans would demand the network executives to pay for another season for Alf.  Antisemitism, discrimination and NBC didn't mix well, so that was the end of Alf on the network.

There was a movie that came out two years years that gave a little more insight to the fate of Alf.  In the movie Alf escaped the military, and returned to his home planet.  This movie didn't air on a network or in a movie theater, and you had to find it somewhere in the dollar bin to know it existed.

There's you conclusion folks.  There was a lot more unconfirmed information that I found online about the show and incidents that happened but no proof.  It was a sad end to a hit show.

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