In 2006 , developers at Techland promised the challenge of a survival game on a zombie-infested open island with an emphasis on melee combat. Dead Island was hyped to include an experience system with innovative combat, layer by layer of skin damage, and complex gameplay, but a myriad of glitches and invisible walls gave birth to the horror of the game itself...
The main characters—Xai Mei, Sam B., Logan, and Purna—wake up in the Palms Resort Hotel of Banoi-a fictional island located off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Placed in the center of a zombie infestation, the characters must unite to survive.
The cut scene/trailer had a family fighting to save its daughter from a mob of zombies, which was emotionally appealing and seemed like you were going to play a game that would have some depth and well design all around from script to gameplay. But, when you start playing you get just the opposite, and say wtf is this crap.
Story was not Dead Island's strong point. The game is filled with stereotypes ranging from a wash-up college QB, to a female former cop who couldn't catch a break in a man's world, to a one-hit wonder rapper who hasn't found success since reaching his career peak. All seem to have gathered in one place to escape their past, find redemption, and gain the respect they never got in life.
Dead Island is a lack luster game filled with been there done that moments cut and pasted from other games, and poorly executed at best. The game is filled with a ton of glitches that developers plan on sending patch updates to fix, which i doubt because no one is going to buy the game after the reviews hit.Overall, Dead Island was truly a dead game by every standard. Don't waste your money on this game. A lot better games are out there and coming out like Battlefield 3, COD, and Gears of War 3. I give Dead Island a 4/10.
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