Thursday, November 7, 2013

Battlefield 4 is the multiplayer King

Well, I like to say Battlefield 4 is the poor man's call of duty.  It never really grabs my attention, and when I play it...all I can think about is when call of duty is coming out.

The single player campaign is a story-line involving a mounting war between Russia, China and the USA that is hyped to be a provocative emotional and patriotic experience, but all you really experience is a none-sense story filled with objective points and unlocks. It lacks the subtlety and grace to make you the feel any empathy for the story-line.  Be prepared to start-over as you must gun through all the shooting galleries of soldiers in order to advance on each level with a non-intelligent NPC team that never follow directions.  The single player mode embarrasses itself with a limited play-though and dynamic compared to the multi-player capabilities.The epic battles players really want is a sub-menu away in the multi-player mode.

Battlefield 4 holds an advantage in the mutli-player mode against all first-person shooters.  Commander mode returns and allows players to move squads and emphasizes the symbolic relationship between commander and soldier that can be critical in a team living or dying. Battlefield 4 multi-player hinges between spectacular destruction and changing variables in the weather.  The incredible scale and destructibility on the multi-player map is unrivaled. The only draw back is a generation gap in the gameplay capabilities of the PC and  8-year old consoles that are pushed to the limit.  The console version scales back on the online player count degrading from 64 players on PC to 24 players on Xbox 360 or PS3. Texture changes look awkward, but it doesn't hinder the experience to the point where it is unplayable.  It's just a notable visual dynamic between the PC and consoles on.  It is not as mentally or tactically simulating when there is less at stake or fewer things to think about.

Overall, Battlefield 4 is what it is.  Only a handful of redeeming fights lets Battlefield 4 off a linear leash on the single player campaign,  but those who play the game come for the multi-player mode alone.  I give Battlefield 4 an 7.5/10.

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